
Adobe SWF Investigator

Perform quick, comprehensive, of SWF applications
® SWF Investigator is the only comprehensive, cross-platform, GUI-based set of tools, which enables quality engineers, developers and researchers to quickly analyze SWF files to improve the quality and security of their applications. With SWF Investigator, you can perform both static and dynamic analysis of SWF applications with just one toolset. SWF Investigator lets you quickly inspect every aspect of a SWF file from viewing the individual bits all the way through to dynamically interacting with a running SWF.

Adobe SWF Investigator | Flash security – Adobe Labs
Introducing Adobe SWF Investigator | Adobe Developer Connection
Via.Twitter / @otachan: AdobeがSWF解析ツールを公開と。これセキュリテ …


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