
Prompt and refuse

One example of .


Hallo hallo hallo and good-bye

"Last Day Dream"
a man watches his life pass before him

Produced for the 42 Second Dream Film Festival
Beijing China 2009

Written and Directed by Chris Milk
Produced by Samantha Storr
Associate Brad O'Connor
Chris Milk
Photography Chris Milk
Editor Livio Sanchez
Production Designer Matthew Holt
Wardrobe Stylist Lydia Paddon
Makeup & Wardrobe Molly Paddon
Production Assistance Jason Baum
Production Assistance Clint Caluory
Telecine Dave Hussey
Sound Eddie Kim

Shot entirely on Lensbaby Lenses and Canon 5D Mark II SLR

The best way to finish the lifetime. it is common issue for all humanity.
We can't look back on own history by myself, but can create it and imagine before . We could wake up to many kindnesses that have not noticed and be grateful to them just before we dies.
It looks not too bad to die, I think… What do U think?


How to sync between Redmine and GitLab

GitLabとRedmineを連携させる #Redmine #gitlab – Qiita
In this time, we made a choice accessing with “deploy key”.
I don't know setting details for server side…
Now, we could them and manage on Redmine integrally.
It seems as cool way to managing tasks and sources.


How to make SSH key with SourceTree on Windows

  1. At first, clone repository on SSH. you will get a error message like below.2013-04-06_143535
  2. Select “Tools / Create or Import SSH key”, then PuTTYgen dialog open.
  3. set parameters “SSH-2 RSA” and click “Generate”.
  4. PuTTYgen start to Generate key.
    It tells”Please generate some randomness by moving the over the blank area”.
    If you don't do it, generate process doesn't progress. so move mouse on it.(I don't know the reason…)
  5. The key generated. and enter “key passphrese” (it's used to login SSH gateway), and save private Key and copy public key and save it.
  6. Select “Tools/Launch SSH Agent(Pagaent)”, then input dialog for passphrese opened, so enter passphrese and OK.
  7. If you use it to connect Git , visit service setting page and register it.
  8. Clone repository on SSH and now get no errors.
  9. That's done!

Belatedly start to study Git

サルでもわかるGit入門 〜バージョン管理を使いこなそう〜 | どこでもプロジェクト管理バックログ
I selected Git client Free Mercurial and Git Client for Windows and Mac | Atlassian SourceTree“.
Never too old to learn…
I will do my best to master it…


Setting file Mime-type on subversion for browser access

Sometime, you wanna check or preview some data from subversion directly.
but it couldn't show correctly, cause it's Mime-type defined “text” or “binary”.
At times like that, you can change Mime-type on subversion.
below is example for Tortoise SVN for .

  1. Select file you wanna change, and open context menu on file explorer.
  2. Access “Properties” in tortoise sub menu
  3. Properties dialog will open.
  4. Click “Edit”, then Mime setting dialog will open.2013-04-05_102744
  5. Input Mime-type you wanna set and commit.
  6. That's done! good developing!